Indonesian youth (Jefri Setiawan) struggled to be listed in the European Records Book and the American Book of Records.


KENDAL – Jefri Setiawan, a teenager from Indonesia who was born in Kendal 2th March 2006, thanks to his talent, strong mentality, sincerity, support from various parties, parents’ prayers and God’s grace given, brought Jefri to successfully hold the world record “Memorizing 100 songs while playing piano in blindfolded. for 3 hours nonstop at Akademie fur Kunste (ASK), Potsdamerstr 199, Berlin Germany 24th October 2018,” For approximately 2 years, there has not been anyone in the world who has been able to break the record above Jefri’s achievements.

And through a long struggle process of approximately five months and the support of prayers from all parties, finally on 1th February 2021, the European Records Book and the American Book of Records approved a letter for the world record breaking event “Memorizing 150 songs while playing piano in blindfolded for 5 hours nonstop at YARSI University Jakarta Indonesia, on 24th March 2021 “.

To get the Approval Letter to the European Records Book and the American Book of Records, Jefri must show some evidence and the following requirements:
1. Evidence as a world record holder “Memorizing 100 songs while playing piano in blindfolded for 3 hours nonstop at Akademie fur Kunste (ASK), Potsdamerstr 199, Berlin Germany 24th October 2018”. Alhamdulillah Jefri can show proof by opening (http: // search Jefri Setiawan), where Jefri’s name will appear as the world record holder. 2. The venue for the event must have a Grand Piano, excellent audio, and a strategic location. With full support from Prof. dr. Fasli Jalal, Sp.GK., Ph.D., finally YARSI University which is located on Jl. Letjen Suprapto Cempaka Putih Central Jakarta was chosen as the venue for the event on 24th March 2021, 01.00- 07.00 PM. 3. When the event takes place, there must be state officials present. Deputy Chairman of of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Mrs. Lestari Moerdijat, SS, MM, Governor of DKI Jakarta Mr H Anies Rasyid Baswedan, SE MPP PhD, and Member of the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI) Mr. Drs.Fadholi will attend and provide support to Jefri. Several other national figures will also attend the event.
4. Bring Independent witnesses. International pianist Doctor Edith Widayani, the first person in Indonesia to get a doctorate in Music Arts at Eastman, is ready to be a witness. Kak Dominic Brian, Guinness World Records holder also agreed to be a witness at the event.

In accordance with the publication of the event in Europe and America, and also to make the nation proud, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, Mrs. Lestari Moerdijat, S.S., M.M. will provide support and cooperate with Metro TV and Media Indonesia to broadcast the event live so that the younger generation is inspired to always make works and achievements during the pandemic. The Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, during a virtual audience with Jefri on 28th January 2021, said that Jefri’s achievements made the nation proud, for that the State must maintain and provide support because it has made the nation proud at the international level. The same thing was also conveyed by Mr Drs. Fadholi, a member of the Indonesian Parliament, he will support and fight for Jefri after successfully breaking the world record on 24th March 2021, the State can provide coaching facilities and high school scholarships including living expenses to go to college.

Jefri also hopes for the support of the Regent of Kendal, Mr. Dico M Ganinduto, B.Sc. and the Governor of Central Java, Mr. H. Ganjar Pranowo, SH, MIP, for the success of the event. The event was actually, not solely for Jefri Setiawan, but also carried the names of Kendal Regency and Central Java Province.

Support was also provided by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr H Anies Rasyid Baswedan, SE MPP PhD On 18th February 2021, he felt proud of Jefri’s worldwide achievements and would support Jefri’s struggle to make the Indonesian nation proud. When asked, Jefri was very happy and grateful for the support from the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Hopefully during the implementation of the world record, Jefri will be given ease and success, because he has to concentrate highly on memorizing, requires calm, emotional control, excellent stamina, high skills. I hope, after successfully registering his name in the European Records Book and the American Book of Records on March 24, 2021, there were parties who wanted to facilitate Jefri’s school fees from high school to college and medical expenses for his eye surgery. It was recommended by the doctor that in the next two years he had to perform eye surgery so that he will have more faith and work. (AU/01).


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